Monday, February 2, 2009

Scottish flowers - january

In scotland there is a variety of flowers some of which bloom throughout the year and some in certain periods,seasons and months. here are some of my personal favouritesfor january.

Poinsettia Plant

originated in mexico this beautiful bloom is a must in the month preceding christmasit is also known as the christmas star due to its star like shape.

Phalaenopsis a.k.a Moth Orchids

The Phalaenopsis is latin for "looks-like" phalaen, which means moth the orchid sometimes resembles moth while in-flight. they are native to southeast asia and the himalayan mountains as well as the phillipines.

kate andrews ,
Scottish Flowers

more fun sites:

* Arm Florist

* - Flower directory includes florist websites and flower companies by local and by servies.

* Florist and Flower shops Web Directory
Worldwide florist and flower shops Web Directory; Find out huge selection of sources for Flower shop and send flower on line from a local florist around the world.

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